
About us

What is INK@WASH

Water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and waste management challenges faced by India are daunting and are causing tremendous damage to public health and environment. A multi-dimensional and multi-pronged approach of implementing innovations in technology, data, planning, monitoring and behavior change is the need of the hour. Also required is the coming together of multiple-stakeholders to collaborate and push the agenda.


Government of Telangana (GoT) has prioritized WASH and is deeply committed to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG) targets well ahead of the globally agreed timelines. It is establishing a Wash Innovation Hub to support and promote start-ups and innovators in WASH. Administrative Staff College of India is knowledge partner to GoT in these efforts.

INK@WASH, the first offering from Telangana’s Wash Innovation Hub, is a unique platform for collaboration and partnerships between startups/innovators, mentors, academic institutions, non-profits, funders, and state/city governments. It provides an opportunity for promising innovators to pitch their innovation/idea, and funders and governments to assess suitability of the innovations and promote them for implementation at scale. The plaform aims to achieve its objectives through learning events, pitch presentations, exhibitions, partnership meets, peer learning, and knowledge dissemination.